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CEPES will show in an event the impact of the 13.4 million euros managed as an Intermediate Body of the European Social Fund
18 11 2019
On December 10, CEPES will show, in a Conference, the results of the European Social Fund grants managed since 2016 as an Intermediate Organization of the Operational Program for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES).

• It will be held on December 10 in the Assembly Hall of the Economic and Social Council of Spain, Calle Huertas 73.

• With these grants, in three calls since 2016, entrepreneurship and the creation of Social Economy companies, their consolidation and strengthening and the creation and maintenance of jobs have been encouraged.

• In addition, there is a specific line for Social Economy business formulas that facilitate the labor insertion of disadvantaged social groups (insertion companies, special employment centers and social initiative cooperatives).

• The program of the Conference can be found at the following link:


Madrid, November 18, 2019.- The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES) will show, in a Conference, the results of the European Social Fund grants managed since 2016 as Intermediate Organism of the Operational Program of Social Inclusion and of the Social Economy (Poises).

The Conference 'The Social Economy in the European Social Fund: 2016-2018 Results and Future Prospects' will be held in the Assembly Hall of the headquarters of the Economic and Social Council of Spain in Madrid, on December 10, 11:00 at 13.15 hours.

In total, CEPES has financed more than 13.4 million euros of ESF assistance in the framework of the Poises aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and the creation of social economy companies, their consolidation and strengthening and the creation and maintenance of job. In addition, it has a specific line for Social Economy business formulas that facilitate the labor insertion of disadvantaged social groups (insertion companies, special employment centers and social initiative cooperatives).

In the first and second call, CEPES financed 57 projects with an ESF contribution of 4,121,201 euros. The third call 2018-2020 of ESF grants to these companies is currently underway, where 65 projects are being financed with an ESF contribution of more than 9,300,000 euros.

This day is part of the dissemination actions of the results obtained by projects in which the European Social Fund managed by CEPES participates. The objectives of this act are:

• Value the projects and results developed from 2016 to the present, as well as their impact on the Social Economy.

• Analyze the potential and challenges of the Social Economy in the 2021-2027 programming period.


The Conference will have senior positions from the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security, specifically the acting general director of Autonomous, Social Economy and CSR of María Antonia Pérez Léon ; the deputy director general of the UAFSE (Administrative Unit of the European Social Fund, Ángel Mª García Frontelo ; the deputy deputy director of Programming and Evaluation of the ESF María José Martínez Conesa, and the president of CEPES, Juan Antonio Pedreño; as well as entities and companies of the Social economy.

Registration for the Conference 'The Social Economy in the European Social Fund: 2016-2018 Results and Future Prospects', co-financed by Cajamar, Laboral Kutxa and Fiare Banca Etica, can be made before November 29 in the following link https: / /