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The European Commission commits itself to the European Parliament to strengthen the Social Economy
06 10 2017
The European Parliament and the Commission agreed yesterday in Strasbourg on the importance and the boom that the Social Economy is taking, as successful companies to build a more prosperous and social European Union. This was confirmed in the reply to the oral question to the Commission from the Commission, which was answered by the Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality and chaired by the Co-President of the European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup Jens Nilsson .

• The plenary session of the European Parliament held yesterday in Strasbourg discussed the importance of promoting measures to strengthen the European Social Economy.

• The Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová , said that "Social Economy is a priority of the Commission, it makes sense to invest in it and guarantee its success".

• During the debate, the European Commission presented its roadmap for strengthening the Social Economy.

• The Social Economy has 2.5 million companies in the European Union, which generate 14 million jobs and 8% of GDP


(Strasbourg, 6 October 2017) .- The European Parliament and the Commission agreed in Strasbourg on the importance and the rise of the Social Economy as successful companies to build a more prosperous and social European Union.

This was confirmed in the reply to the oral question to the Commission by the European Parliament, which was answered by the Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Věra Jourová , and made by the co-chair of the European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup , Jens Nilsson .

"What follow-up is the European Commission monitoring of the demands of the different institutions (Council, European Parliament, European Economic and Social Council and several Member States) to promote the Social Economy and, at the same time, whether it is planning the implementation of an ambitious European Action Plan for the Social Economy? "

From the Commission, Jourová , responded that "the Social Economy is a priority of the Commission" while saying "represent a way to do business in a sustainable way." He noted the need to invest in it and work to ensure that the voice of the Social Economy is heard throughout Europe. "

The Commissioner recalled the current road map of the Commission to strengthen the Social Economy. He noted that "we will follow closely the evolution of our measures to address in the future those that are necessary." He also recalled that the European Commission has urged States to offer conditions that facilitate the development of the Social Economy.

Nilsson recalled the demands of the Council, Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee "to promote this model of business that has had and has in the creation of employment throughout Europe" while recalling the existence of 2.5 million companies in Europe in this sector that employ more than 14 million people and represent 8% of GDP.

Spanish MEP Izaskun Bilbao explained that "the Social Economy brings positive values ​​to the rest of the economic system and offers hope with another way of conceiving and using the benefits to return to capital its role of instrument at the service of the real economy and not the other way around" .

Marie-Christine Vergiat agreed with Bilbao on the importance of endowing the Social Economy with a legal framework that recognizes its diversity and its specificities, in order to give it the visibility it deserves. He emphasized that social economy enterprises operate in all areas of the economy with companies of all sizes.

Juan Antonio Pedreño , president of CEPES, thanked the European Parliament for the debate held in yesterday's plenary session, while showingacute; welcomed the interventions and supported the proposals of MEPs and MEPs "for the European Commission to take an ambitious step towards the implementation of a European Action Plan for the Social Economy."

Pedreño recalled the Madrid Declaration 2017 supported by 11 European Union Governments in which the European Commission was requested to include in its 2018 work plan a properly funded European Action Plan 2018-2020 to promote the social economy in Europe and promote social innovation.