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(Madrid, July 4, 2017) .- The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) regrets the loss of Alfonso Vázquez Fraile , who died July 1 at the age of 87. Alfonso Vázquez was one of the founders of CEPES in 1992, and for many years he was a director of its Board of Directors, in which he participated actively contributing to its development and strengthening.

The loss of Alfonso Vázquez Fraile coincided with the International Day of Cooperatives, disappearing with him one of the most representative figures of the Social Economy.

A tireless worker, he demonstrated throughout his life and during the more than 60 years that he presided over the Spanish Confederation of Housing in Spain, a great professionalism, dedication and commitment, principles that undoubtedly contributed to position the organization as a reference of the sector of Construction and rehabilitation in Spain.

Alfonso Vázquez's loss is unquestionable for cooperativism in general, and for housing in particular, it will mean an important absence for the whole sector of the Social Economy, which will undoubtedly be missing. According to Juan Antonio Pedreño, president of CEPES, Alfonso Vázquez "leaves a deep void in all of us since his professional value was proportional to his human quality making him a person dear and beloved by all of us."