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CEPES analyzes developments of tax reform to entities of the Social Economy
18 02 2015
CEPES analyzed in a conference the impact of regulatory changes in corporate tax, VAT and income tax in this business sector, especially cooperatives, labor companies, mutual societies and organizations that work with groups with disabilities and / or at risk of exclusion
  • The reform maintains fiscal incentives in relation to disability
  • Cooperatives can not benefit some tax benefits which includes the new reform

(Madrid, February 18, 2015) .- The Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES) held the day 'Tax reform: how it affects social economy companies', in which the impact of regulatory changes discussed in the corporate tax, VAT and income tax in this business sector, especially cooperatives, labor companies, mutual and entities who work with groups with disabilities and / or at risk of exclusion.

The director general of the ONCE Foundation, José Luis Martínez Donoso recalled the importance of the Social Economy in Spain, "a sector that represents 10% of GDP and more than 2.2 million jobs." He also stressed the "heterogeneity of firms of Social Economy" and noted that the disability sector, reform "was respectful" and has led to "maintenance of tax incentives".

Donoso Martinez announced that in future some issues remain to be addressed regarding the tax reform as "tax rate". In this regard, he noted that "the social economy sector has demonstrated its ability to improve the regulatory picture".

For its part, the director of CEPES, Carmen Comos she added that "the purpose of this meeting was to show how it affects the tax to all the entities of the Spanish Social Economy reform, as well as identify gaps presented by this reform."

Hows recalled that "the 44,000 entities in the Social Economy encompassed by CEPES, are demonstrating their ability to create and maintain employment." In this sense, Comos recalled that "in the last five years, the social economy has created more than 25,000 new businesses and more than 170,000 new jobs."

New articulated

Professor of Tax Law at the University of Valencia, María Pilar Alguacil, gave the conference 'New on corporation tax'. In it, he explained that this tax "has suffered no law reform, but a new law that has touched almost all the articles".

Regarding the Social Economy, Sheriff said that "reform has not been very intense, but very extensive," and noted that cooperatives are not eligible for certain tax benefits which includes the new reform. "

For example, Sheriff said that "it has created a reserve of capitalization and book leveling does not apply to certain protected cooperatives and non-profit entities." He also commented that have been deleted investment deductions that apply to all SMEs.

Furthermore, the obligation to declare tax for all Entities established nonprofit Is severely hampers the existence of small associations and foundations that do not have large incomes, and should also keep accounts.


VAT and income tax


Finally, the holder of Tax Law professor Univesidad of Valencia, Maria Pilar Bonet indicated that tax reform is not specific to the Social Economy organizations in relation to taxes on income tax and VAT.

"If there is a relatively collective benefit within the tax reform that is the people with disabilities", said Bonet.

"In the VAT, there have been minor tweaks within the Social Economy", since the amendments to adapt our legislation to the policy and doctrine of the European court," added Bonet.

Finally, Bonet warned that the reform also establishes a change in the boundaries of exclusion of objective regimes (modules) that affect members of agrifood cooperatives, to belittle 300,000 to 250,000 euros.

The event was organized by CEPES and the University-Enterprise Foundation of the University of Valencia, in collaboration with Fundación ONCE, Diploma in Social Economics / University of Zaragoza, CoopCat (Confederation of Cooperatives de Catalunya) and the Cooperative Group Gredos San Diego.