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10 04 2014
CEPES collaborate with the University of Murcia for the celebration of First International Conference of Social Work to meet on 24 and 25 April more than 840 people from 15 countries (Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Portugal , Costa Rica, Italy, Cuba, Canada, Israel, Scotland and England)
  • For the celebration of International Social Work Congress will bring together over 840 people from 15 countries (Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Portugal, Costa Rica, Italy, Cuba, Canada, Israel, Scotland and England)


  • The event will be held from Wednesday 23 to Friday 25 April at the Campus de La Merced and the Circus Theatre and will have a day dedicated to the Social Economy


(Madrid April 10). President CEPES (Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy), Juan Antonio Pedreño has signed aagreement with the University of Murcia to work at the First International Congress of Colleges and Schools of Social Work, To be held from Wednesday 23 April to Friday 25 at the Campus de La Merced and Circus Theatre. The signing ceremony took place at the Convalescence House, attended by the rector of the University of Murcia, José Antonio Cobacho; Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Enrique Pastor and Vice Ucomur, Maria and Rafael Sánchez Puerta.

CEPES collaborate on a day dedicated to the Social Economy, scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the Teatro Circo 24, in which the CEO of the Self-Employment, Social Economy and Social Responsibility of Enterprises of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security ,Miguel Angel Garcia Martin, will give a presentation entitled 'The Social Economy: an effective and social response to the crisis. "

In addition, the symposium will be held 'Responses of the social and solidarity to job creation and sustainable territories' economy, moderated by Juan Antonio Pedreño and will feature speakers such as Paloma Arroyo, director of the Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives (COCETA) Villaescusa Emili, President of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Valencia, and Nieves Ramos, president of the Federation of Business Associations of Spain Inserting (FAEDEI) and Europe (ENSIE)

Pedreño has emphasized the need to "increasingly linking the university to the working world, so you can suggest and provide solutions." Also said that "this school is helping to raise awareness of the different legal forms of the social economy and all contributing to job creation. "

"The company believes that business, whatever the model, are a shared challenge, in which all must contribute their grain of sand"assured the president of the Employers of Social Economy, who added that, through the Social Economy, checking that there is "another way of doing business", which prioritizes human capital and job creation working.

Cobacho, meanwhile, stressed the role of the Region of Murcia in the field of social economy and the realization of the congress, "one of the most important which was held at the University of Murcia in recent years."

The event, the first internationally organized in Spain, will bring together all the faculties and schools of social work in the country and a wide participation from foreign universities (Europe, U.S. and Latin America) in the seven plenary lectures, 34 groups work and more than 300 papers and presentationsscheduled. In total, 840 people have registered from 15 countries (Spain, Mexico, Chile, the U.S., Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Portugal, Costa Rica, Italy, Cuba, Canada, Israel, Scotland and England) to attend the conference.

Among other experts participate Dutch sociologist Saskia Sassen, winner of the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences in 2013, who will be vested honorary doctorate by the University of Murcia; director of Amnesty International Spain, Esteban Beltrán; President of the European Association of Schools JobSocial, Susan Lawrence, and University Professor and Dean of the School of Social Work at Western Michigan University (USA), Hector Luis Diaz.