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  • The European Commission accepted the proposed industrial policy introduced Euro-Mediterranean Network of Social Economy (ESMED), which coordinates CEPES
  • CEPES greatly appreciates this program and shows a willingness to cooperate in its implementation

(Madrid, November 21, 2013). The European Commission has announced measures to promote the creation of Social Economy enterprises among the countries of the EU and the Southern Mediterranean in the 'Work Programme 2013-2014', at the initiative of the Euro-Mediterranean Economics Social (ESMED) that coordinates CEPES since 2000.

This program aims to promote job creation through SMEs and promote entrepreneurship, especially among youth and women. Among the measures proposed by the European Commission in the coming months, highlights strengthen Social Economy through entrepreneurship and facilitate accessto funding and conducting studies to help improve the environment in which these companies operate.

CEPES president, Juan Antonio Pedreño, praised the initiative and explained that "Actions that the Commission establish together with the Southern Mediterranean countries will serve to reinforce a sustainable model of business creation and employment through social economy, which is increasingly valued as a vitally in the development of the Mediterranean ".

CEPES highlights the special interest that the European Commission has shown for the Social Economy and thanked that have taken into account the proposals ESMED Network sent the Commission last June in the preparation of this program.

Pedreño recalled that "since 2005 is constant recognition of the importance of the social economy by the bodies responsible for relations between the EU and the southern Mediterranean countries."

"The new Work Plan of the European Commission is a step that should serve to launch new projects and initiatives to develop the social economy as a whole. Therefore, from the Red ESMED we show our willingness to cooperate with the European Commission and with the Union for the Mediterranean to do implement this work program, "added the president of CEPES.

In the nine countries that are part of the Red ESMED (Algeria, Egypt, Spain, Italy, France, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey) accounted for more than 500,000 Social Economy companies that generate more than 7 million jobs and associated with more than 155 million people.