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Special centers of employment






Insertion companies are born as an instrument to fight against poverty and social exclusion. They are business initiatives that combine business logic with work insertion methodologies. They are companies that are not outside the conventional processes of the economyAs they produce goods and services, they improve the environment, enhance services to people and favor the quality of life, being profitable and competitive. In addition to assessing your profitability econIt is very important to highlight the profitability in the social aspects, since the beneficiaries cease to be passive and dependent people and contribute to society everything that they had denied them.

The recipients of the socio-labor insertion are:

a) Recipients of Minimum Income of Insertion, or any other benefit of the same or similar nature, according to the denomination adopted in each Autonomous Community, as well as the members of the unit of coexistence beneficiaries of them.

b) Persons who cannot access the benefits referred to in the previous paragraph, for any of the following reasons:

1st. Lack of the required period of residence or registration, or for the constitution of the Receiving Unit.
2nd. Having exhausted the maximum period of perception legally established.

c) Young people over eighteen and under thirty, coming from Child Protection Institutions.

d) People with problems of drug dependence or other addictive disorders that are in the process of rehabilitation or social reintegration.

e) Inmates of prisons whose prison situation allows them to access a job and whose employment relationship is not included in the scope of application of the special labor relationship regulated in Article 1 of Royal Decree 782/2001, of July 6, thus as conditional released and former inmates.

f) Internal minors included in the scope of the Organic Law 5/2000, of January 12, regulating the criminal responsibility of minors, whose situation allows them to access a job and whose employment relationship is not included in the scope of application of the relationshipSpecial labor referred to in article 53.4 of the Regulations of the aforementioned Law, approved by Royal Decree 1774/2004, of July 30, as well as those found in probation and former inmates.

g) People from alternative accommodation centers authorized by the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

h) People from prevention and social insertion services authorized by the Autonomous Communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

The insertion company provides them with an insertion itinerary that consists of a personalized work plan that establishes a planned path towards achieving integration into the ordinary labor market.

Normally an insertion itinerary includes several stages:

1.- Reception and advice service: the person's situation is diagnosed.

2.- Individualized work plan.

3.- Work pretalleres: recovery of the necessary learning that they already had.

4.- Work specialization workshops: perfection of knowledge and skills.

5.- Insertion company: The lessons learned in the previous phases are put into practice.

6.- Entry into the ordinary labor market.

The permanence of these people in the insertion companies is temporary, since it is not intended to create indefinite positions but to train and train people to be able to find a job by themselves

Some of the requirements of the insertion companies are:

- Be invested at least 51% of the share capital by a social organization or non-profit organization.

- Have among its workers a percentage of insertion workers.Depending on each Autonomous Community, it will range between 30% and 60%.

- Apply at least 80% of the available results or surpluses obtained in each fiscal year to the improvement or expansion of productive and insertion structures.

Insertion companies are defined as learning structures, in a commercial manner, whose purpose is to allow access to the employment of disadvantaged groups, through the development of a productive activity, for which, an insertion process is designed, being established during the same a conventional labor relationship.



- Law 44/2007, of December 13, for the regulation of the Insertion Companies regime



- Decree 193/2010, of April 20, which regulates the qualification and creates the Registry of Insertion Companies in Andalusia


- Decree 37/2006, of February 7, of the Government of Aragon, which regulates the Labor Insertion Companies and approves the ARINSER Program of economic aid for the socio-labor integration of groups in situation or risk of exclusion


- Balearic Decree 60/2003, of June 13, which regulates the qualification of the Insertion Business Initiatives and creates the Register of Insertion Business Initiatives of the Balearic Islands


- Law 1/2007, of January 17. Canarian Insertion Benefit

- Decree 137/2009, of October 20, which regulates the qualification of insertion companies, the procedure for accessing them and the Registry of Insertion Companies of the Canary Islands


- Law 27/2002, of December 20, on Legislative Measures to Regulate Socio-labor Insertion Companies in Catalonia


- Decree 22/2010, of 04/20/2010, which dictates development standards for the qualification of insertion companies and creates the administrative record of these companies

- Law 5/1995, of March 23, on labor insertion and insertion companies


- Decree 34/2007, of April 12, which regulates the qualification procedure of labor insertion companies and creates its administrative record


- Law 7/2003, of March 26, on socio-labor insertion

- Decree 2/2006, of January 13, which creates the Registry of Socio-Labor Insertion Companies of La Rioja, and regulates the requirements for qualification and registration in said Registry


- Decree 32/2003, of March 13, which regulates the collaboration of the companies of promotion and labor insertion of people in a situation of social exclusion with the Community of Madrid and establishes measures to promote their activity


- Foral Decree 130/1999 of April 26, regulating economic aid for the development of socio-labor incorporation programs for people in situations of social exclusion


- Decree 182/2008, of November 11, which regulates the qualification of insertion companies, establishes the procedure for accessing them and their registration in Euskadi

- Decree 305/2000 of December 26, which regulates the qualification of Insertion Companies


- Law 1/2007, of February 5, which regulates insertion companies to promote social inclusion in the Valencian Community

- Order of December 29, 1995, which regulates the socio-labor insertion workshops