Experts from three continents debates with CEPES how to address innovative legislative measures that favour the development of Social Economy enterprises.
The third seminar gathering the international consortium led by CEPES in the framework of the OECD's global initiative 'Promoting favourable legal frameworks for the Social Economy at a global level' was held. This event was attended by 35 experts from the 25 partners, including public and ministerial departments from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Korea, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico and Spain, together with CEPES and other Social Economy organisations from Canada, the United States and the European Union, as well as the ILO, the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), CIRIEC-INTERNACIONAL, AIM, SSE-IF and the Global Forum of the Social Economy that are part of this international initiative. The conclusions of this seminar will feed into the conclusions and guidelines resulting from this Project which aims to promote laws and regulations that foster Social Economy at the international level.