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Legal Notice Collaborate with the Social Economy
According to the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, the Spanish Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), with address at c/ Virgen de los Peligros, 3, 28013, Madrid, informs you that your data will be incorporated into a file under our responsibility in order to keep a record of donors, as well as the development of statistical profiles related to donations made through this portal.

CEPES will incorporate to this file your name, surname, ID, email, telephone, the amount donated.

Unless you indicate otherwise, CEPES will send you, by email, information about the actions and projects to which your donation has been destined.

We understand that by accepting these conditions you are giving your agreement and consent to them.

Finally, we inform you that the consent previously granted is revocable and that you may at any time exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by writing to the Spanish Confederation of Social Economy (CEPES), c/ Virgen de los Peligros, 3, 28013, Madrid, enclosing a photocopy of your ID card.